Statement from Councilmember Charles Allen on D.C. Circuit Court Ruling on DC’s Concealed Carry Permit Requirements


Statement from Councilmember Charles Allen on D.C. Circuit Court Ruling on DC’s Concealed Carry Permit Requirements

Media Contact: Erik Salmi 202-724-8063/ 202-445-0834

WASHINGTON, DC – Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen, Chair of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, released the following statement regarding today’s 2-1 ruling by the D.C. Circuit Court enjoining DC’s “good reason” concealed carry requirement: 

“I strongly disagree with the Court’s majority opinion. The District of Columbia uniquely faces many security and urban public safety challenges, and we have crafted our laws in a way that respects the rights of District residents while protecting public safety.

What we’ve set forth in law has been upheld in other jurisdictions. This decision stands at odds with all of those previous rulings.

I fully support the Attorney General pursuing an appeal to the full court. Even as I disagree with the ruling, as the chair of the Committee with oversight of our gun laws, I stand ready to ensure that our laws protect District residents.”


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