Ward 6 Block Party |

Let's have a block party to celebrate summer and come together as neighbors! As a way to highlight my proposal to make it easier for neighbors to close a street to let kids have more play space, we're going to close down the street, bring out some games, and have a good old fashioned neighborhood block party. Food will be pot luck since my office is barred by law from spending money by law. 

We're planning to close 13th Street SE between K and L Street for the afternoon and make it available for neighbors to gather and kids to play - maybe even have a drum performance and a children's parade. Why not go big for our Ward 6 Block Party, right? We're working to finalize some more of the details, but neighbors from across Ward 6 are welcome to come out and play!

July 28, 2019 at 1:00pm - 3pm
Hill East
13th SE and K St
Washington, DC 20003
United States
Google map and directions
Anna Cucurullo Robert Mang Claire August Alicia Halim Samiat Alatishe avneet tiwana Renee Gaillard Alisa Silverman Nihar Shah Alexandra Schuh William Perryman Olivia A. Chase Justine Summers Faye Cruz

Who's RSVPing

Anna Cucurullo
Robert Mang
Claire August
Alicia Halim
Samiat Alatishe
avneet tiwana
Renee Gaillard
Alisa Silverman
Nihar Shah
Alexandra Schuh
William Perryman
Olivia A. Chase
Justine Summers
Faye Cruz

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