Everything You Need For the Ward 6 Budget Town Hall

The Ward 6 Budget Town Hall is tonight. Here's what you need to participate in-person or remotely. 

Here are final details for the Ward 6 Budget Town Hall, whether you'll be in-person with us at School-Within-School at Goding or somewhere else tuning in remotely.

Event Details: 

Where: School-Within-School @ Goding, 920 F St., NE

Town Hall Begins: 6:30 PM to 8 PM
Tour of the School Building: 6 PM

ASL Interpretation Available In-Person and Streaming (via Zoom only).

Participating Via Zoom

To watch on Zoom, you'll need to register to gain access as an attendee. Click here to register.

Staff will be monitoring both the Zoom Q+A and Facebook comments. We'll do our best to answer as many questions as possible, although we generally try to avoid answering repeat questions on the same topics. 

Here is a copy of Councilmember Allen's presentation. 

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