2022 Ward 6 Oversight Feedback Form

The Council is about to begin performance oversight hearings with most DC government agencies. Performance oversight is an important time when councilmembers hear from the public and raise questions on agency operations. 

We like to create an easy way for residents to give us a heads up on issues in your day-to-day life that could be improved with better government services. Submit feedback below for our staff and Councilmember Allen to be aware of heading into oversight hearings. There's no guarantee he can ask a question about every submission, but understanding what issues residents are facing can help us with knowing where to push in these hearings and elsewhere. 

Major issue areas our Constituent Services team and Committee staff see as regular issues: 

  1. DCRA: illegal construction, project permitting delays, licensing, inspection delays, consumer protection 

  2. Department of Transportation: safer + slower streets, road repairs, signage replacement, alley repairs, ParkDC programs 

  3. DC Housing Authority: accounting on rent payments, maintenance requests

  4. Office of Tax Revenue: Communication and responsiveness to resident inquiries and issues

  5. Department of Public Works: trash and recycling collection, new trash bin order and delivery, leaf collection, abandoned vehicle removal, parking enforcement & booting

  6. Department of General Services: School maintenance issues; HVAC system upgrades to protect against COVID-19 in all government buildings

  7. Department of Employment Services: unemployment insurance, unemployment insurance fraud resolution

  8. Public Safety: MPD patrols, DC Jail conditions, 911 call accuracy, 311 false case closures.

  9. Department of Energy and the Environment: community and residential solar interconnectedness delays and cost estimates from Pepco

If the issues above are what you'd like to flag, you can respond below with corresponding number(s). Feel free to add in any specific details, but even just responding with numbers helps give us a sense what issues most Ward 6 residents are experiencing. If there's a separate issue not listed, feel free to include it below. 

Please note: all responses are shared among our staff and not just with Councilmember Allen.