Anne Phelps, Legislative Director for DC Councilmember Charles Allen (Ward 6), will be awarded a Distiniguished Service Award by the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, DC. GLAA presents awards to local individuals and organizations that have served the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in the national capital area.
The awards will be presented at GLAA’s 44th Anniversary Reception on Thursday, April 23 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Policy Restaurant and Lounge at 1904 14th Street, NW (at T Street).
Phelps served in DC Council Period 20 as Committee Director for the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety under then-chairman Tommy Wells. Before that she was Committee Director for the Committee on Libraries, Parks, Recreation, and Planning, and General Counsel for the Committee on Transportation and Public Works. During her tenure at Judiciary, the following bills were passed: the Marriage Officiant Amendment Act of 2013; JaParker Deoni Jones Birth Certificate Equality Amendment Act of 2013; Marriage License Issuance Amendment Act of 2013; Civil Marriage Dissolution Equality Clarification Amendment Act of 2014; Repeal of Prostitution Free Zones Amendment Act of 2014; and Human Rights Amendment Act of 2014. During her previous committee post, she shepherded the Youth Bullying Prevention Act of 2012. She continues to work on LGBT issues as Legislative Director for Councilmember Allen.
Allen stated, “I am very proud that GLAA has recognized Anne Phelps with this honor. As Council staff, she frequently works behind the scenes for the Council and elected officials. But this notable recognition appropriately highlights the integral role she has played in some of the District’s most progressive legislation that impacts the rights and lives of every District resident.”
Phelps holds a JD from Cornell Law School and lives in Ward 6 with her husband and daughter.
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