Councilmember Charles Allen To Introduce Innovative Early Childhood Literacy Bill

Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen will hold a press conference to announce the upcoming introduction of his bill to create a new early literacy initiative in partnership with DC Public Libraries.

Less than half of third graders in the District scored proficient or advanced in reading skills in 2014. It is critical that the District confront the literacy and achievement gap at its starting point, well before it shows up in the classroom. Books are direct building blocks for learning, but children must be exposed to them to use them.

“Books From Birth” will mail a book to each child in the District every month from birth through age five, while also working to connect families with the full range of DCPL resources and educational information, including adult literacy and early childhood programming.


Who:     Charles Allen, Ward 6 DC Councilmember

              Robert Zarr, Pediatrician, Unity Healthcare – Reach Out & Read advocate

              HyeSook Chung, Executive Director, DC Action For Children

              Parent Advocate [TBD], DC Public Library Sing, Talk, & Read program


When:    Friday, January 16, 10:30am


Where:   Southwest Neighborhood Library 900 Wesley Place, SW Washington, DC 20024

                Metro: Waterfront


Photo Opp:   Speakers will make remarks at podium with exterior visual of Southwest Neighborhood Library, young families in crowd. Following the remarks, Councilmember Allen will read to children inside the library for a story circle. Photos available upon request.

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