Latest Update As DC Digs Out


It's a little more than 48 hours since the snow stopped falling, and yes, we're still digging out.

First, a big thank you to everyone who has helped shovel a sidewalk, an alley, an intersection, a fire hydrant, a bus stop, or just about anything else. Yesterday, I took a long walk around the neighborhood and was so proud to see neighbors lending a hand to one another. And, of course, it was nice to see folks enjoying the snow a bit as well! 

Now, we're clearly not completely dug out and I think it will take a few more days. I talked with the Mayor's team this morning and they confirmed for me that they are working through the day and night on several unplowed blocks. There are 60 blocks left in Ward 6 where a plow can't do the job, and they need smaller trucks and Bobcats. In addition to their own teams, they are bringing in additional contractors today. Their goal is to get these 60 blocks cleared today.

I'm working with the Mayor's Snow Team to identify problem spots and have them direct resources that way. If you see a spot that still needs help, please feel free to email me directly and I'll get that information to the Mayor's team.

Here are some of the latest updates:


This is the question I've been hearing the most. Given the large amount of snow, I think most people assume there will be some delays. Fortunately, the Department of Public Works issued an update yesterday with more specifics to help everyone plan. Due to the snow, DPW has suspended trash collection through Wednesday, January 27. DPW will attempt collection on Thursday, January 28, and will operate on an altered schedule Thursday through the weekend. Normal trash collection is scheduled to resume on Monday, February 1. You can read more details from DPW here.


IMG_1139.JPGIn most cases, the city does not plow alleys. According to DPW and DDOT, if they plowed the alley, it would simply push all the snow back onto the roads that they're trying to keep clear. Of course, that doesn't do you much good for being able to get your vehicle out from rear parking. And for those frustrated, I'm in the same boat with you and have the same 2 to 3 feet of snow to shovel out of my alley. I know this may not be the answer you're hoping for, but I want to try to get folks honest answers to their questions.


DC Public Schools will be closed today. Almost all DC Public Charter Schools are closed as well. DCPS is anticipating having all schools re-open on Wednesday, January 27 at a normal start time. You can check on their latest updates here. Each charter school makes its own decision on opening and closing, but the DC Public Charter School Board keeps a helpful list of every school and their decision here


Yes! DC Public Schools is hosting free hot breakfasts and lunches for all kids and their families in DC. There are 10 locations around the city where these meals will be provided today. In Ward 6, both Eastern High School and Jefferson Middle School are meal sites. You can see the full list and addresses here.


Yes, but they are not at full speed. WMATA announced that Metrorail will have all lines running except the Silver Line. They will operate on a modified schedule with trains every 12 minutes. Metrobus will be operating on an extremely limited "severe snow plan," which means that many routes will not be running at all and those that do will have significant delays and possible detours. MetroAccess is working toward a noon restoration of their services. The short version of these Metro announcements is to expect delays, build in a lot of extra travel time, and check your routes in advance. To read the full WMATA announcement of services, click here.


Yes, the Snow Emergency remains in effect. That means that parking remains prohibited on Snow Emergency Routes. You can find a full page of detailed information on parking restrictions here:

As I mentioned in my last email, you can turn to for all of the latest official updates. 

Thanks for your patience and help. Please let me know if you have question or problem I can help you with!

Charles Allen

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