The Great Ward 6 Spring Clean

It's been a long two years and spring is finally returning to Ward 6! On Saturday, April 2, let's set aside a few hours to help clean up our neighborhood, reconnect with each other, and show our streets, parks, and alleys a little love. Councilmember Allen wants to get Ward 6 neighbors stepping outside and working with their neighbors to clean up their block or alley. Our team will be set up at Eastern Market Metro Park on Friday, April 1 (no joke) to distribute garbage bags and gloves for anyone who needs them ahead of The Great Ward 6 Spring Clean.

Or, if you prefer, head to one of our five park sites where we'll organize a clean-up together -- don't worry about bringing bags or gloves unless you have some to spare, we should have plenty on-site.

Either way, if you want to show the rest of the city what Ward 6 is all about, use #GreatWard6SpringClean in your posts on social media.

We are proud to partner with the Hill Rag and The Hill is Home on this effort!

To RSVP, click here to complete the quick form that will help us know how many supplies to have ready.


April 02, 2022 at 9:00am - 11am
| All over Ward 6

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