Share your questions, concerns, and comments with Councilmember Allen and the staff of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety as we work our way through Performance Oversight Hearings (a review of what each agency did and how they did it) and Budget Oversight Hearings (how did they spend their money and what are they proposing for next year) this spring.
Here are ways you can participate and share your priorities:
- Submit video comments - please keep your video under 3 minutes. You can upload your video here.
- Submit written testimony for the official record by emailing a PDF or Word document to [email protected].
- Suggest a question or comment for Councilmember Allen below to keep in mind as he conducts oversight.
Showing 5 reactions
How many of these cases were investigated by the OPC?
How many Officers were fired and indicted following the results?
How many OPC investigations have resulted in officers being indicted and prosecuted?
How does OPC protect the officers that have made threats to victims?
I’ve been assaulted and harassed by DC MPD on 5 occasions since 2017 and charged with assaulting police officers in 3 of the five occasions. Not one officer was punished to my knowledge. the last time i aws assaulted by police officers was 1.26.21. Ofc Nickerson and 8 other officers unlawfully entered private property without a valid warrant and upon refusing repeatedly to show their warrant, these cops, unlawfully and forcibly entered my residence and attacked, tasered, and arrested me naked and wet in my bath towel. why are these officers not under arrest following the submission of 47 pages of evidences of their crimes?
body cameras were worn but none of the officers have been prosecuted. this is a violation of the fourthr tammendment, 14th ammendment and USC Title 18 section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law. why are these officers permitted to continue to serve the public when they continue this violence against citizens?