Two Major Development Projects Announced in Ward 6

Two Major Development Projects Announced in Ward 6

The projects propose 500+ affordable housing units and dedicated senior housing.

Mayor Muriel Bowser announced earlier today the selection of awards to development teams for two long-awaited neighborhood redevelopment projects in Ward 6.

Century Associates, Capitol Hill Village, and partners selected as development team for Eastern Branch of Boys and Girls Club in Hill East.

The Century Associates project will bring dedicated senior co-housing and assisted living in partnership with Capitol Hill Village to the 11,000 square foot site. The site will offer 29 for-sale units and 10 affordable units at 50 and 80 percent area median income.

“When I first took office in 2015, I heard loud and clear from the nearby neighbors they weren’t satisfied with the proposals to redevelop the Boys & Girls Club Eastern Branch. I asked the city to stop their process and start over - with a focus on delivering a better plan to serve the communities’ needs,” said Councilmember Allen. “Working with Mayor Bowser and the ANC, the city launched a new effort that led to today’s announcement - a better outcome for all. This is a big win for Ward 6 and our neighbors. I’m proud to have helped lead this process to deliver better results, and am very grateful for the hard work and thoughtful additions from the community, in particular ANC 6B-09 Commissioner Daniel Ridge.”

The project will incorporate sustainable design features, as well as work with the community to program the use of nearly 2,000 square feet to serve the broader neighborhood.

MRP Realty and CSG Urban Partners selected as development team for Northwest One New Communities

In 2008, the District tore down Temple Courts amid poor housing conditions for residents that needed housing. The New Communities Initiative was launched and after a long wait, progress is now being made on a promise to rebuild. This important proposal includes 517 affordable units reserved for DC families split between those earning up to 30% of AMI and up to 60% of AMI.

This award not only replaces the units that previously existed at Temple Courts, but adds new affordable housing for DC residents. Just as important, new affordable units include 3- and 4-bedroom units to serve larger families — a major priority for Councilmember Allen’s in building and preserving affordable housing in the District. Approximately 255 units will round out the mixed-income development at market rates. In addition to the construction of nearly 800 homes for DC families, this project will deliver over 50,000 square feet of neighborhood serving retail space for local businesses and job creation.

“For nearly 10 years, families have been waiting to return home through economic recession and false starts. Today’s announcement is a major step to make good on a promise made,” said Councilmember Allen. “I’m proud of the work we’ve done with the Mayor’s team to bring this redevelopment back from the brink and it represents one of the city’s most significant efforts to replace and add affordable housing for DC families at a time when most.”

The next steps in the project will be for the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development to finalize terms with the teams announced in the awards. Following that, the winning teams will work with the community and Advisory Neighborhood Commissions on required zoning changes before the proposals will be sent to the Council for further review and approval. Councilmember Allen will continue to work aggressively to move these important projects forward as quickly as possible, and expects to see construction begin in 2019. 

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Ward 6 Fact: Since 2015, Ward 6 has delivered 1,000 units of affordable housing for DC residents and families, with another 1,600 in the pipeline for development in the next few years.

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