Ward 6 is the largest ward in the District and the only ward that touches all four quadrants of the city. Bounded by the Anacostia River and Washington Channel to the south and west, reaching east to RFK Stadium, and north to NoMa and Shaw, Ward 6 is home to some of the city’s most diverse, vibrant neighborhoods. Ward 6 includes Capitol Hill, Hill East, H Street, the Navy Yard, the Southwest Waterfront, NoMa, Sursum Corda, Shaw, and Mount Vernon Triangle. Here are some resources residents may find helpful:
Find Your Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC)
Map of Ward 6 and our ANCs - http://www.dcboee.org/maps.asp
ANC 6A - http://www.anc6a.org/
ANC 6B - http://www.anc6b.org/
ANC 6C - http://www.anc6c.org/
ANC 6D - http://www.anc6d.org/
ANC 6E - http://anc6e.org/
Address Look-up Tools
Find Your In-Boundary School - http://find.myschooldc.org/
DC Master Address Repository - http://dcatlas.dcgis.dc.gov/mar/
DC Office of Planning Property Quest Database - http://propertyquest.dc.gov/
DC Zoning Map - http://maps.dcoz.dc.gov/
DC Government
Office of the Mayor - http://mayor.dc.gov/
Council of the District of Columbia - http://dccouncil.us/
Watch Council Hearings LIVE - http://dccouncil.us/granicuswatchlive
Metropolitan Police Department - http://mpdc.dc.gov
DC Register - http://www.dcregs.dc.gov/Gateway/IssueList.aspx
Neighborhood Resources
Southwest Neighborhood Assembly - http://www.swna.org/
Capitol Hill Restoration Society - http://www.chrs.org/
CHAMPS (Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce) - http://www.champsdc.org/
Barracks Row Main Street - http://www.barracksrow.org/
H Street Main Street - http://hstreet.org/
Shaw Main Streets - http://www.shawmainstreets.org/
Capitol Hill BID - http://www.capitolhillbid.org/
Capitol Riverfront BID - http://www.capitolriverfront.org/
Mt. Vernon Triangle CID - http://www.mountvernontriangle.org/
NoMa BID - http://www.nomabid.org/
Southwest BID - http://www.swbid.org/
Community News and Blogs
Hill Rag - http://www.hillrag.com
The Southwester - https://thesouthwester.com/
The Hill Is Home - http://www.thehillishome.com/
Frozen Tropics - http://frozentropics.blogspot.com/
H Street Great Street - http://hstreetgreatstreet.blogspot.com/
Capitol Hill BID Blog - http://capitolhillbid.blogspot.com/
JDLand - http://www.jdland.com/dc/index.cfm
Southwest... The Little Quadrant That Could - http://southwestquadrant.blogspot.com/
Rosedale Citizens Alliance Blog - http://rosedalecitizen.blogspot.com/
Life In Mount Vernon Square - http://lifein.mvsna.org/
Penn Quarter Living - http://pqliving.com/
The Triangle - http://www.mvtriangleblog.com/
Greater Greater Washington - http://greatergreaterwashington.org/
Bad Wolf (Shaw and Mt. Vernon Triangle) - http://badwolfdc.blogspot.com/
Kids In The Triangle (Shaw and MVT families) - http://www.mvtriangleblog.com/2014/07/22/kids-in-the-triangle