Ward 6 Comp Plan Meeting

The Comprehensive Plan (known as the Comp Plan) is a foundational document guiding what gets built and where in the District. Since 2016, the Council has been steadily working on updating the Comp Plan, last finalized in 2006. Last year, the Council unanimously approved what is known as the framework, or the the guiding principles. 

Now the Council is considering phase two, which includes 24 specific elements. Given the importance and interest in the Comp Plan, Councilmember Allen is holding an evening meeting open to all Ward 6 residents who want to share their priorities and concerns with their Councilmember, or just tune in to learn a bit more. 

The meeting will be on Tuesday, November 17 at 6:30 pm. RSVP below to be sure you receive the Zoom link to tune in. And if you'd like to sign-up to share your thoughts, just send a quick note to Legislative Director Chris Laskowski ([email protected]). 

November 17, 2020 at 6:30pm - 8pm
Chris Laskowski ·
Leila Batties Miranda Ch Tony Dugger Tony Dugger Rick Bardach Jennifer Fei Andrew DeFrank Alex Lopez Rachael Gass Ava Millstone David Meni Queenie l. Featherstone Robert Warren Corey Howell Julia Koster Amber Gove Kelley Gallagher Aquarius Vann-Ghasri Marina Tolchinsky Susan Axleroad Adjoa Aiyetoro Shirley Rosenfeld Tom Ramstack Karen Stuck Reginald Black Marc Friend Katryna Carter Tori Collins Julianne Brienza Katherine Collins Lee Glazer Ronni2 Jackson Holly Rogers Robin Toogood Rebecca Grenham Taylor Phares Peggy Cusack Mary Procter Thelma Jones Maurice Cook Adom Cooper Susan Sedgewick Pam McKinney Charles Burger Stephanie Eicher Norma Saafir

Who's RSVPing

Leila Batties
Miranda Ch
Tony Dugger
Tony Dugger
Rick Bardach
Jennifer Fei
Andrew DeFrank
Alex Lopez
Rachael Gass
Ava Millstone
David Meni
Queenie l. Featherstone
Robert Warren
Corey Howell
Julia Koster
Amber Gove
Kelley Gallagher
Aquarius Vann-Ghasri
Marina Tolchinsky
Susan Axleroad
Adjoa Aiyetoro
Shirley Rosenfeld
Tom Ramstack
Karen Stuck
Reginald Black
Marc Friend
Katryna Carter
Tori Collins
Julianne Brienza
Katherine Collins

Will you come?

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