Join Councilmember Charles Allen, the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME), the Ward 6 members of the DME Advisory Committee on Student Assignment and Boundaries, and Ward 6 and 7 State Board of Education Representatives Brandon Best and Eboni-Rose Thompson to learn more about the DME's 2023 Boundary and Student Assignment Study process and its important potential impacts on Ward 6 schools.
The forum will open with remarks from Councilmember Allen, Representatives Best and Thompson, and the DME Advisory Committee members, followed by a brief DME presentation on the Study process and potential recommended changes, and then close with ample time for community feedback and Q&A. The forum is intended to bring awareness to the important boundary revision process as DME moves toward recommended revisions and gather and amplify feedback from parents and other community members. Learn more about the DME's Study here, and register for the webinar here.