Ward 6 Week: Lemonade Stand Contest

Host stands are full and set! See the map here.

This is our second-annual "Lemonade for a Cause" lemonade stand contest, in partnership with The Hill is Home! Hill families: Register to set up your decorated lemonade stand, we'll publish a map of the stands for neighbors to stop by throughout that window, and Councilmember Allen will judge the best stand (and give away Nats tickets to the winners). Stand hosts are encouraged to donate the proceeds to a Ward 6 charity of their choice. 

Explore all the Ward 6 Week events here.

July 27, 2024 at 10:00am - 1pm
| Throughout Capitol Hill
Melysa Sperber Starr Granby-Collins Evelyn Smith Daniel Murphy Ron Sokolov Rachel Sandhu

Who's RSVPing

Melysa Sperber
Starr Granby-Collins
Evelyn Smith
Daniel Murphy
Ron Sokolov
Rachel Sandhu

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