STEER Act Update
I hear from so many neighbors about the need to make our streets safer by slowing down cars and getting dangerous drivers off the road.
2024 Ward 6 Week
Ward 6 Week's back! Join Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen from Saturday, July 27, through Friday, August 2, for a week of fun, free activities highlighting all our community has to offer.
Councilmember Allen's Comments on the 2024 Better Bus Proposal
Councilmember Charles Allen submitted the following letter to WMATA General Manager Randy Clarke on the proposed Better Bus Network:
Council Committee Advances Bill Shaping Future of Electric Vehicle Charging in the District of Columbia
Friday, July 12, the DC Council’s Committee on Transportation and the Environment, chaired by Councilmember Charles Allen (Ward 6), unanimously advanced out of committee Councilmember Allen’s legislation that sets a goal to grow the availability of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs), which are expected to continue to increase exponentially.
Councilmember Allen Hosts Ward 6 Better Bus Town Hall
Councilmember Charles Allen hosted a town hall on WMATA's latest proposal of the Better Bus Network on Thursday, June 20. Residents joined for the presentation and conversation in the Hill Center as the Councilmember walked through each route in the ward.
Watch the entire presentation here, and the slide deck is available below.
Statement by Councilmember Allen on Public Service Commission Rejecting latest WGL PROJECTpipes Proposal
Today, DC Councilmember Charles Allen (Ward 6), chair of the Council’s Committee on Transportation and the Environment, released the following statement after last week’s ruling by the Public Service Commission rejecting Washington Gas’s $672 million PIPES 3 proposal. The proposal would have replaced every gas line in the District, passing the costs onto ratepayers, rather than proposing a targeted plan focusing on the utility’s most pressing safety issues. In February, 12 of 13 members of the Council signed on to a letter written by Councilmember Allen urging the PSC to reject the proposal.
Councilmember Allen Hosts Ward 6 FY25 Budget Town Hall
Councilmember Charles Allen hosted his 10th Ward 6 Budget Town Hall on Thursday, June 6. Residents filled a room of the Northeast Library or tuned in online to get a breakdown of the District budget, highlighting Ward 6 wins, and to ask questions and share their budget priorities.