Ward 6 Neighborhood Update 5-7-19
It's been quite a spring so far. From the frenzy of budget hearings and votes to some heartbreaking losses on our streets, I've had the opportunity to talk with a lot of Ward 6 residents about a big range of issues.
Councilmember Allen introduces Vision Zero Omnibus bill
Today, Councilmember Charles Allen (Ward 6) introduced a bill overhauling the District’s approach to reducing the number of deaths of pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers.
Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety FY20 Budget Recommendations
Ahead of tomorrow’s 12 pm budget mark-up vote on funding recommendations for the 22 agencies within the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, here’s what Committee Chair Councilmember Charles Allen is recommending. The full 228-page budget report can be viewed here.
Statement on DC Housing Authority Releasing RFP for Greenleaf Gardens in SW
The DC Housing Authority released a request for proposals (RFP) to redevelop Greenleaf Gardens and Seniors Housing, which provides 493 deeply-affordable homes for Ward 6 residents in the heart of Southwest.
Emergency Legislation Aims to Force Faster Redesign of Florida Avenue, NE
Lack of transit equity in road design leads to high speeds, pedestrian and bicycle fatalities over past 8 years with no action
Ward 6 Neighborhood Update 4-16-19
Today is Emancipation Day in DC - a District of Columbia holiday that marks the anniversary of 3,100 enslaved people being freed in the District of Columbia 157 year ago - eight months before President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. It's an important opportunity to remember the path that lead us to where we are today, and if you've never really learned what the day is all about, here's some helpful reading.
Semi-Annual Career Fair Spring 2019
The Semi-Annual DC Career Fair returns to Arena Stage in Ward 6. Read on if you're looking to begin a new career or if you're looking to hire for your business.
March 28 Ward 6 Neighborhood Update
It's officially spring (and Opening Day for the Nationals)! Get ready to see Ward 6 neighborhoods truly shine as flowers and trees bloom once again. And, of course, it means the city undertakes both Alleypalooza and Potholepalooza repairs after a long winter. I'd really love to see the same "-palooza" treatment applied to our sidewalks, crosswalks, and bike lanes. Call it whatever you'd like, but I'm in favor of putting that same energy into improving pedestrian safety with a Crosswalkpalooza! A quick reminder - I'll be holding office hours tomorrow near Eastern Market at Radici.
As part of Sunshine Week, Councilmember Allen to introduce bill expanding FOIA and Open Meetings law to all public schools
Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 13, Councilmember Charles Allen (Ward 6) will announce a bill expanding FOIA and Open Meetings law to include charter schools as part of the “Public School Transparency Amendment Act of 2019” at a press conference on the steps of the John A. Wilson Building at 10:30 am. Media will hear from councilmembers, advocates, teachers, and parents all in support of the bill. March 10-16 is Sunshine Week 2019.
Ward 6 Neighborhood Update March 5, 2019
As much as I want it to be spring, I won't let March fool me this year -- I know there's still a few more chilly mornings to come. So warm yourself with an update from the Council and news around the Ward. We're close to finalizing a date for my annual Ward 6 Budget Town Hall in late April. Keep an eye here for the details once time and location are locked in.